Chiplet Summit Announces its Final Keynote Schedule

Media Contact
Elizabeth Leventhal

Emphasis is on AI applications. The third annual Chiplet Summit, to occur on January 21-23 at the Santa Clara Convention Center, has now set its final keynote schedule.

Companies and organizations giving keynotes will be:

  • Synopsys
  • Alphawave Semi
  • Arm
  • Teradyne
  • Cadence
  • Keysight
  • Open Compute Project

There will also be short talks by the UCIe Consortium, Silicon Catalyst, and SNIA.

Keynote topics will include AI solutions, design methods, memory, interfaces, new packaging methods, and the open chiplet economy. Attendees will learn how chiplets can make the latest designs take less time, cost less, and be more scalable.

Summit General Chair, Chuck Sobey, says, “At our keynotes, attendees hear what industry leaders are planning. AI is an obvious driver everywhere. It requires vast amounts of memory, fast low-latency connections, and the ability to do both training and model execution at top speed. Making it work well takes engineering and R&D that cover all chip design stages.”

To discuss exhibiting, contact:

Elizabeth Leventhal, Exhibit Sales Director

About Chiplet Summit

Chiplet Summit, a product of Semper Technologies, showcases the emerging chiplet market.

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