Wytec Introduces its “Distributed AI” Gunshot/THC Technology for Schools & Public Safety

Wytec Introduces its “Distributed AI” Gunshot/THC Technology for Schools & Public Safety

Erica Perez

William Gray, CEO/President of Wytec International, Inc., (OTCQB:WYTC), a leading developer of threat sensing systems announces today, its latest achievements for its patented, advanced threat and drug detection designs based on “distributed AI” algorithms and “smart sensor” technology.

Specifically targeted for schools and cities, Wytec has optimized its threat detection technology and public safety solutions in real world environments such as schools, playgrounds and city buildings to achieve positive detection rates ranging from 85% to 95% when tested with over 200,000 samples. “This is a phenomenal result since competitive video-only gunshot detection solutions are seeing less than 20% true positive rates,” states Mr. Gray.

In addition to its latest achievements, Wytec is currently testing prototype acoustic and “gaseous sensors” with embedded and optimized AI/ML algorithms for not only advancing its gunshot detection but THC and other chemicals. These prototypes will be commercialized as both indoor and outdoor units in the near future and will work with commercially available mobile wireless networks including the latest FCC Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) spectrum. “Wytec’s patented threat sensing solution utilizing 'distributed AI' will alert school administrators with immediate and accurate results to take effective and necessary actions in protecting both students and faculty,” said Robert Sanchez, Wytec’s Chief Technology Officer. The design incorporates patented, advanced implementations such as the integration of corroborating sensor data, real-time database updates, cloud managed software upgrades, and secure mobile applications.”

Wytec has applied for the US Department of Homeland Security SAFETY Act with Designation as Qualified AntiTerrorism Technology (QATT) for developmental testing and evaluation.

To support Wytec’s aggressive revenue growth, management has planned “live” seminars to demonstrate its AI Sensor Technology to be held in San Antonio, Texas scheduled for late 2024. Wytec will select, from the seminar attendees, at least five (5) U.S. ISD’s (at no cost) to be included in an “on campus” Pilot Program to illustrate its unique Gunshot/Sensor Technology. To learn more about the seminar content and dates, please contact us at PilotProgram@wytecintl.com.

About Wytec-Pre-Nasdaq Listing

Wytec International, Inc. is a San Antonio, Texas based telecommunications company owning multiple patents related to the deployment of 5G “secured” private networks and has recently filed for two new provisional patents related to both gunshot detection and drug sensor technology. Most recently, Wytec has been approved to list on the OTCQB Markets under the symbol “WYTC” and plans to uplist to NASDAQ upon obtaining certain key milestones. To learn more about our gunshot/sensor technology and our Pre-Nasdaq listing, visit Wytec at www.wytecintl.com or follow us on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/company/wytec-international.

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